What is the role of the shaman in an Ayahuasca ceremony?

The role of the shaman in the traditional Ayahuasca ceremony cannot be overstated, yet many people tend to overlook its significance due to a lack of knowledge.
By diving deeper into this tradition together in this article, we can gain a better understanding of the crucial role that shamans play in the Ayahuasca experience.

APL Shamanic Journeys retreats blog

How one can become
an Ayahuasca Shaman?

The Path to Becoming an Ayahuasca Practitioner
The shaman's role in an Ayahuasca ceremony is of the utmost importance. A shaman is someone who has been extensively trained in the traditional use of plant medicine and is considered an expert in this field. They have a deep understanding of Ayahuasca and its properties and know how to safely and effectively guide participants through the experience.

In the Peruvian Amazon, traditional shamanic training is a lifelong process that often begins in childhood. Young apprentices are selected by the shaman and are put through a rigorous training process that includes living in isolation in the jungle, going on plant diets, and learning from their mentor through apprenticeship. They spend years studying the plants and mastering the art of healing. This training includes learning to work with the plants in a medicinal way, understanding the spiritual aspects of plant medicine, and learning to communicate with the plant spirits.

Shamans in Peru are known for being experts in working with plants and using them for healing purposes. During their training, they learn to identify, harvest, and prepare a variety of plant medicines to treat various physical and mental illnesses. They also learn the traditional uses of each plant, as well as their interactions with other plants and substances.
Shamans work with the plants in a medicinal way, using them to address specific health issues and to promote overall well-being. They are also trained to work with the spiritual aspects of plant medicine, which involves working with the plant spirits or “plant teachers” to help facilitate healing and provide guidance. Through their training, shamans learn to communicate with these spirits, often through the use of icaros, traditional shamanic songs that are used to call upon the plant spirits.

Shamans work with Icaros, which are sacred songs that they sing during the ceremony. These songs are believed to be taught to the shaman by the plant spirits themselves and are used to help the participants connect with the spirit of Ayahuasca. The Icaros are also used to help guide participants through their experience, provide protection, and facilitate healing.

During the ceremony, the shaman is responsible for creating a safe and sacred space for the participants. They set the intention for the ceremony and help the participants prepare for their journey. The shaman will also lead the ceremony, and guide the participants through the experience.

After the ceremony, the shaman will often offer counseling and support to the participants as they integrate their experience. The shaman will also work with participants to develop a plan for their ongoing healing and personal growth.

Ayahuasca master Plant dieta
House in the Amazonian rainforest
for dieting with Master-Plants

Why not all the Amazonian shamans are the same?

The Diversity of Shamanic Traditions and Practices
The Peruvian Amazon is home to a rich and diverse tradition of shamanism, with a variety of different types of shamans practicing in the region. These shamans each have their own unique skills and practices, and they are often distinguished by the types of plants and healing techniques they use. Below are some of the most common types of shamans found in the Peruvian Amazon:

1) Ayahuasceros are perhaps the most well-known type of shaman in the Amazon, as they specialize in working with the powerful psychedelic plant Ayahuasca. Ayahuasceros are highly skilled in guiding participants through the intense and often overwhelming experience of an Ayahuasca ceremony, helping them to connect with the plant spirits and gain insights into their own lives.
2) Tabacceros: Tabacceros specialize in working with the sacred plant tobacco, which is used for its cleansing and protective properties. Tabacceros may use tobacco in various forms, including smoking, snuffing, and chewing, and they are skilled in using tobacco to clear negative energies and entities from the body and the environment.
3) Sanangueros: Sanangueros are shamans who work with the sacred plant Sanango, which is known for its powerful visionary and healing properties. Sanangueros are skilled in using this plant to help participants connect with the spirit world and gain insights into their own lives.
4) Curanderos: Curanderos are a type of shaman who specialize in the use of medicinal plants for healing purposes. They may work with a wide range of plants, including Ayahuasca, and they are skilled in diagnosing illnesses and creating plant remedies to treat them.
5) Parfumeros: Parfumeros are shamans who specialize in working with the aromatic plants of the Amazon. They may use these plants to create perfumes, incenses, and other aromatic products for spiritual and healing purposes. Parfumeros are skilled in blending different plants together to create complex and potent aromatic blends.
6) Paleros: Paleros, also known as tree doctors, work with the sacred trees such as Lupuna, Shihuahuaco, Chuchuhuasci, Chullachaqui caspi as well as other trees to clear negative energies and entities and to protect the body and environment from harm. They may use various parts of the tree, such as the bark or leaves, for spiritual and healing purposes.
7) Oracionistas: Oracionistas are a type of shaman who specialize in the use of prayers, incantations, and other spiritual practices to connect with the spirit world and facilitate healing. They may work with various types of plants, as well as other tools such as crystals and sacred objects, to support their work.
8)) Vegetalistas: Vegetalistas are shamans who specialize in working with the "vegetal" or plant realm. They may work with a wide range of plants, including Ajos Sacha, Chirik Sanango, Bobinsana, and they are skilled in using these plants to facilitate healing and transformation.
9) Dieters: Dieters are shamans who specialize in working with a specific plant or group of plants. They undergo rigorous training and initiation in the traditional practices of working with these plants, and they often follow strict diets and abstain from certain activities in order to connect more deeply with the plants.
10) Brujos: Brujos are a type of shaman who specialize in working with the dark arts. They may use spells, curses, and other forms of black magic to harm or manipulate others. While some brujos may use their skills for good, many are feared and avoided by the local population.

Those are just some of the specializations that exist in the Peruvian Amazon and it is important to know with which shaman you will be having a ceremony to avoid risks of meeting a “black” shaman or the one id not a specialist in the field of your interest.

Overall, the diversity of shamanic practices in the Peruvian Amazon reflects the rich and complex history of the region and its people. Each type of shaman has its own unique skills and practices, and all are respected for their deep connection to the plant spirits and their ability to facilitate healing and transformation.


This 7-day Ayahuasca retreat in Spain offers traditional ceremonies with Peruvian Shamans and support from trauma-informed facilitators and a therapist, focusing on personal growth in a safe and supportive environment.
This 10-day Ayahuasca retreat in Ecuador is a transformative journey across the country. Participants travel through diverse regions, staying in various locations, including thermal spa in mountains and the Amazon jungle with the Achuar tribes.
This 8-day Ayahuasca retreat or Dieta with Teacher Plants in Peru is led by Maestro Pepe from the Netflix documentary "The Last Shaman." Set in the Amazon rainforest, it includes four Ayahuasca ceremonies, integration circles, personal consultations, and excursions.
Ocean Front Retreat
Journey to Tribes
With “The Last Shaman”

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Why does a shaman play a crucial role in Ayahuasca ceremony?

The Importance of a Shaman's Expertise in Guiding the Ayahuasca Experience
The shaman's role in the Ayahuasca ceremony is a complex one that encompasses many different aspects, from creating a safe and sacred space to facilitating healing and guiding participants through the experience. Below, we will explore each of these aspects in more detail.

1) Creating a Safe and Sacred Space
The shaman is responsible for creating a safe and sacred space for the Ayahuasca ceremony. This includes setting the intention for the ceremony, creating a protective energy field, and establishing a respectful and supportive atmosphere for the participants. The shaman may use traditional techniques such as smudging, chanting, and calling on spiritual allies to create the protective energy field.

2) Protection
The shaman is responsible for protecting the participants from negative energies and entities that may enter the space. They use traditional techniques to banish any unwanted energies that may be present. The shaman must be highly attuned to the energy of the space and must be able to detect any negative energies that may be present.

3) Facilitation of release
The shaman also plays a crucial role in helping participants release negative energies and traumas. The intense nature of the Ayahuasca experience can bring up deep-seated psychological issues that may require the guidance of a trained professional to process. The shaman must be skilled in recognizing these issues and providing a safe and supportive space for participants to release them.

4) Preventing of energy exchange
As the participants release negative energies and traumas, the shaman must also ensure that these energies do not linger in the ceremonial space or affect other participants. The shaman may use traditional techniques such as blowing tobacco smoke or using a sacred plant called palo santo to cast out negative energies and purify the space. The shaman must be highly attuned to the energy of the space and the participants, ensuring that each person is supported in their healing journey and that negative energies are banished from the space.
Another important aspect of this process and shaman’s role is to prevent participants from catching negative energies from one another. In the close quarters of the ceremonial space, participants may inadvertently pick up negative energies from one another. The shaman must be skilled in detecting and addressing these energies, ensuring that each participant is supported in their individual healing journey and that negative energies do not affect the group as a whole.

5) Guidance
During the ceremony, the shaman provides guidance to the participants, helping them navigate the experience and providing them with insights and tools to help them through any difficult moments. This guidance is especially important for those who are new to Ayahuasca. The shaman must be skilled in helping participants navigate these challenges and providing insights and tools to help them through any difficult moments.

6) Healing
The shaman's main purpose in the ceremony is to facilitate healing for the participants. They use their knowledge of the plants and their healing powers to help the participants heal from physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. This healing may take many forms, from physical healing of ailments such as chronic pain to emotional healing of traumas and past hurts.

7) Integration
After the ceremony, the shaman is available to help the participants integrate the experience into their lives. This can include providing advice on how to incorporate the insights gained during the ceremony into daily life, as well as providing ongoing support as needed. The shaman may provide advice on how to incorporate the insights gained during the ceremony into daily life, as well as providing ongoing support and counseling as needed.

8) Spiritual Significance
The shaman's role in the Ayahuasca ceremony is also one of deep spiritual significance. The shaman serves as a conduit between the spiritual realms and the physical world, facilitating communication between the participants and the plant spirits. This role requires a deep understanding of the spiritual landscape and the ability to communicate with non-physical beings.

Overall, the shaman's role in the Ayahuasca ceremony is one of great responsibility and requires extensive training, knowledge, and experience. When working with a skilled and experienced shaman, participants can expect a transformative and healing experience that can have profound effects on their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, it is important to exercise caution when seeking out Ayahuasca experiences, as working with unskilled or unscrupulous shamans can lead to physical harm, psychological trauma, and exploitation.
Ayahuasca ceremony
Serving of Ayahuasca in the ceremony
hosted in the Peruvian Amazon

Why is it dangerous to take Ayahuasca with inexperienced or fraudulent guides?

The Risks of Engaging with Unqualified Ayahuasca Practitioners
While the traditional use of Ayahuasca has been a part of indigenous cultures in South America for centuries, the rise of Ayahuasca tourism has led to an increase in westerners seeking out Ayahuasca experiences in countries like the United States (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK). Unfortunately, some of these seekers may encounter self-proclaimed shamans who lack the proper shaman training and experience to lead safe and effective ceremonies. The dangers of working with inexperienced or unscrupulous Ayahuasca shamans can include physical harm, psychological trauma, spiritual harm, and exploitation.

1) Physical aspect:
One of the primary dangers of working with unskilled shamans in Ayahuasca retreats is the risk of physical harm. Ayahuasca contains potent psychoactive compounds that can cause physical effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, and changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Inexperienced shamans may not be able to properly dose the Ayahuasca, leading to adverse physical reactions in participants. Additionally, some shamans may add other substances to the brew that can be harmful or even lethal.

2) Mental aspect:
Psychological trauma is another potential danger of working with untrained Ayahuasca shamans during shamanic retreats. The intense and often overwhelming nature of the Ayahuasca experience can bring up deep-seated psychological issues that may require the guidance of a trained professional to process. Without proper guidance from the best shamans, participants may be left with unresolved trauma and emotional distress.

3) Spiritual / energy aspect:
Working with inexperienced shamans during shaman retreats or shaman apprenticeships can be dangerous, as they may lack the knowledge and skills necessary to protect participants from negative energies and entities. This can lead to participants being exposed to black spirits and negative energies, which can make them physically and emotionally sick. Experienced Ayahuasca shamans are trained in traditional techniques to create a protective energy field, banish unwanted energies, and guide participants through the intense Ayahuasca experience. By working with skilled and experienced master shamans, participants can feel confident that they are in safe hands and are able to fully experience the transformative power of Ayahuasca in a safe and supportive environment.

4) Social aspect:
Lastly, exploitation is a significant risk when working with unscrupulous Ayahuasca shamans during shamanic journeys. Tourists seeking an authentic Ayahuasca experience at spiritual retreats may be taken advantage of by shamans who are more interested in making a profit than providing a safe and meaningful experience. Participants may be charged exorbitant fees, pressured to participate in additional ceremonies, or even subjected to sexual abuse.

It is important for anyone seeking an Ayahuasca experience to thoroughly research the shaman and the retreat center they plan to work with. Look for shamans who have received extensive training in traditional Ayahuasca practices and have a history of working with indigenous communities. Additionally, be cautious of retreat centers that prioritize profits over safety and well-being. With proper research and caution, it is possible to have a safe and transformative Ayahuasca experience during healing retreats.

The Contemporary Significance of Shamanism.

The Rich Heritage of Peruvian Shamanism in the Amazon Basin
At APL Shamanic Journeys, we honor the ancient tradition of shamanism in the Peruvian Amazon, a practice that has been passed down through generations for thousands of years. Peruvian shamans have long utilized Ayahuasca and other sacred plants as means of healing and spiritual exploration within their communities, forming deep connections with nature and transcendent realms.

Potential Risks and Advantages of Shamanic Practices

Potential Risks: Engaging in shamanic practices with inexperienced practitioners can present certain dangers, such as physical injuries, psychological distress, and spiritual damage. It is vital to collaborate with knowledgeable and trustworthy shamans in order to mitigate these risks.

Advantages: Shamanism offers a multitude of benefits, including profound emotional healing, spiritual evolution, and an enhanced connection with the natural world. This holistic approach to healing addresses the physical, mental, and spiritual components of an individual's well-being.

In today's world, the significance of shamanism lies in its capacity to address the growing demand for alternative healing methods and spiritual inquiry. As individuals seek deeper meaning and purpose in their lives, shamanism's wisdom and practices provide powerful instruments for personal transformation and healing. At APL Shamanic Journeys, we are dedicated to preserving and sharing these time-honored traditions to support our participants on their unique paths of self-discovery and growth.

How do Shamans support participants at APL Shamanic journeys Ayahuasca retreats?

The Role of Skilled Shamans in Facilitating Transformative Experiences
The last shaman
Maestro Pepe Franchini Vasquez
at APL Shamanic Journeys retreats
At APL Shamanic Journeys Ayahuasca retreats, we are blessed to work with some of the most skilled, compassionate, and dedicated shamans in the Ayahuasca community. Our shamans come from diverse backgrounds and traditions, but they all share a deep commitment to providing a safe and supportive space for participants to explore the healing power of Ayahuasca.
Our shamans have undergone extensive shaman training and initiation in the traditional practices of Ayahuasca. They have spent years studying under the guidance of master shamans and have developed a deep understanding of the plants, the ceremonies, and the spiritual landscape. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their work, and they are skilled at guiding participants through the intense and often overwhelming experience of the Ayahuasca ceremony.

One of the things that sets our shamans apart is their deep sense of compassion and empathy. They view their work as a service to the participants and to the plant spirits, and they are deeply committed to supporting each individual's unique healing journey. They bring a warm and welcoming energy to the ceremony, creating a safe and supportive space where participants can explore the depths of their being and connect with the wisdom of the plant spirits.

We feel incredibly grateful to work with such amazing shamans, and we know that their guidance and support is an essential part of the transformative Ayahuasca experience. At APL Shamanic Journeys Ayahuasca retreats, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where participants can feel supported, empowered, and inspired on their healing journey.


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