The Importance of Ayahuasca Diet: A Comprehensive Guide:

Navigating the Ayahuasca Diet for Optimal Healing

APL Shamanic Journeys retreats blog
Embarking on an Ayahuasca journey can be a powerful and transformative experience. A crucial aspect of preparing for this journey is adhering to the Ayahuasca diet, which helps to optimize the healing potential of the Ayahuasca ceremony. This article provides guidelines on what to eat, what to avoid, and the significance of the Ayahuasca diet in facilitating a meaningful and safe experience.

Ayahuasca Diet: Why Is It Important?

The Role of Diet in Your Ayahuasca Journey
Enhancing the Ayahuasca Experience
The Ayahuasca diet is essential for various reasons, including enhancing the effects of the Ayahuasca ceremony. By eliminating certain foods and substances from your diet, you can better prepare your body and mind for the potent, life-changing experience that Ayahuasca offers and pay her respect as a Teacher-Plant.

Minimizing Adverse Reactions
Adhering to the Ayahuasca diet also helps to minimize the risk of adverse reactions during the ceremony. Some foods and substances can interact negatively with the Ayahuasca brew, leading to unpleasant or even dangerous side effects. Following the dietary guidelines ensures a safer and more comfortable experience.


This 7-day Ayahuasca retreat in Spain offers traditional ceremonies with Peruvian Shamans and support from trauma-informed facilitators and a therapist, focusing on personal growth in a safe and supportive environment.
This 10-day Ayahuasca retreat in Ecuador is a transformative journey across the country. Participants travel through diverse regions, staying in various locations, including thermal spa in mountains and the Amazon jungle with the Achuar tribes.
This 8-day Ayahuasca retreat or Dieta with Teacher Plants in Peru is led by Maestro Pepe from the Netflix documentary "The Last Shaman." Set in the Amazon rainforest, it includes four Ayahuasca ceremonies, integration circles, personal consultations, and excursions.
Ocean Front Retreat
Journey to Tribes
With “The Last Shaman”

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Ayahuasca Diet: What Can I Eat?

Nutritious and Safe Food Choices
during Ayahuasca Diet.
The Best Diet Before Ayahuasca:
When preparing for an Ayahuasca ceremony, it is crucial to consume clean, nutritious, and easily digestible foods. A well-balanced diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is ideal. Some of the best Ayahuasca diet meals include:

• Proteins: chicken, white meat fish, (sole, tilapia, halibut, trout, snapper), eggs
• Grains: rice, quinoa, wheat berries, amaranth, whole wheat, spelt, kamut
• Veggies: ALL vegetables EXCEPT onions, garlic, leeks and radishes
• Fruits: berries, apples
• Beverages: Herbal teas, coconut water, nut milk, water
*(This list does not include ALL possible food, please take it as an example and sample, not a holy script :) )
Ayahuasca master Plant dieta
Served food at APL Shamanic Journeys retreats

Ayahuasca Diet: Foods to Avoid

Potential Trigger Foods to Steer Clear Of
Dietary Restrictions and Guidelines

During the Ayahuasca diet, it is essential to avoid certain foods and substances that can interfere with the ceremony. The following list outlines some of the primary items to avoid:

  • Fermented foods (e.g., sauerkraut, pickles, soy sauce)
  • Processed meats (e.g., sausage, salami, hot dogs)
  • Aged cheeses
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Spicy foods
  • Refined sugars
  • Recreational drugs

Regarding the question, "Can you eat bread on the Ayahuasca diet?" it is best to consume only whole grain, unprocessed bread with no yeasts in moderation.

When you become a participant in APL Ahamanic Journeys retreats, you get access to a complete dietary restriction booklet as well as a recipe book to turn your preparation into an easy path of self-discovery.

Ayahuasca Diet: Drugs to Avoid

Ensuring Safety by Avoiding Drug Interactions
Certain pharmaceutical and recreational drugs are also restricted during the Ayahuasca diet due to their potential to interact negatively with the Ayahuasca brew. Some of these restricted substances include:

  • Antidepressants, especially MAOIs and SSRIs
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Antipsychotics
  • Pain medications, including opioids
  • Stimulants, such as amphetamines and cocaine
  • Sedatives and sleeping pills
This is not a comprehensive list of restricted drugs and if you are currently taking any prescription medications, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider and the Ayahuasca retreat facilitators to determine whether they are compatible with the Ayahuasca diet and ceremony.

Once you sign up for a retreat with APL Shamanic Journeys, we provide you with a booklet including the complete list of restricted drugs and medications.
Dietary guidance
for food products
Dietary guidance
for drugs
Sign up for a retreat our enroll in the course to access
Diet book with recipe ideas

Pre- and Post-Ayahuasca Diet

Preparing and Integrating with the Ayahuasca Diet
Preparation and Integration

The pre-Ayahuasca diet is essential for preparing your body and mind for the ceremony. It typically begins one to four weeks before the ceremony, depending on your lifestyle and involves following the dietary guidelines outlined above. This period allows your body to cleanse and reset, ensuring you are ready for the Ayahuasca effect in the ceremony.

The post-Ayahuasca diet is equally important for integrating the lessons and insights gained during the ceremony. Maintaining the Ayahuasca diet for 3 days after the retreat is over and continuing to eat clean, wholesome foods after can support the healing process and help to solidify the transformative effects of the Ayahuasca journey.

Ayahuasca Diet and Lifestyle Restrictions

Holistic Approach to Ayahuasca Preparation
Sexual Abstinence and Energy Conservation:
In addition to dietary restrictions, the Ayahuasca diet also entails abstaining from sexual activity, including masturbation. This practice conserves energy and helps to maintain a clear and focused mental state throughout the Ayahuasca journey.

The Importance of Refraining from Distorting Information
While adhering to the Ayahuasca diet, it is crucial to maintain an honest and transparent approach to the information you receive and share. Distorting information can not only mislead others but also hinder your healing process. By ensuring that the information you acquire is accurate and unbiased, you pave the way for a successful Ayahuasca experience. This practice enables you to build a strong foundation for personal growth, creating a positive environment that supports your healing journey.

The Importance of Refraining from Distorting Communication
Effective and clear communication is an essential aspect of the Ayahuasca diet and the overall healing process. By refraining from distorting communication, you contribute to fostering an open and trustworthy atmosphere within your Ayahuasca community. This promotes a deeper connection with fellow participants, facilitators, and the plant medicine itself. Honest communication allows you to better express your emotions, concerns, and experiences, which in turn, helps you navigate the challenges and insights that arise during your Ayahuasca journey.

Ayahuasca Diet List: A Summary

Quick Reference Guide to Ayahuasca Diet
To summarize, the Ayahuasca diet is a vital aspect of preparing for an Ayahuasca ceremony. It involves consuming clean, nutritious foods and avoiding substances that can interfere with the experience. By adhering to the Ayahuasca diet, you can optimize the healing potential of the ceremony and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.
Key points to remember about the Ayahuasca diet include:

  • Eat fresh foods, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins
  • Avoid fermented foods, processed meats, aged cheeses, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, and refined sugars
  • Abstain from sexual activity and conserve energy
  • Consult with healthcare providers and retreat facilitators about any medications you are taking
By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are well-prepared for the profound, transformative experience that Ayahuasca offers. As you embark on this journey of healing and self-discovery, the Ayahuasca diet will serve as a foundation for your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Master Plant Dieta: Deepening Your Connection with a Rainforest

Traditional Amazonian Shamanic Practices for Enhanced Healing
In addition to the Ayahuasca diet, some retreats offer participants the opportunity to engage in a master plant dieta. This process involves consuming a specific medicinal plant or plants in conjunction with Ayahuasca to deepen your connection with the plant spirits and enhance your healing journey. The master plant dieta is an essential component of traditional Amazonian shamanic practices and can provide additional insights and benefits during your Ayahuasca retreat.
Typically, a master plant dieta lasts for an extended period, ranging from a week to several months. During this time, you will follow a strict diet that aligns with the Ayahuasca diet guidelines, incorporating the master plant into your daily routine. The plant's consumption may be in the form of a tea, a concentrated extract, or even a topical application. The specific plant or plants used in the dieta are chosen based on your unique needs and intentions for the Ayahuasca retreat.

APL Shamanic Journeys work with traditional Peruvian shamans and offer an opportunity to participants to continue their path of learning in a small camp in Peru by dieting with our Master Shamans.
Ayahuasca master Plant dieta
Traditional meal on a Master Plant dieta in the Amazon

Embracing the Ayahuasca Diet as a Path to Healing

The Journey towards Transformation and Growth
The Ayahuasca diet is more than just a list of foods to avoid or consume; it is a holistic approach to preparing and supporting your body, mind, and spirit for the transformative journey that Ayahuasca offers. By adhering to the diet, you demonstrate your commitment to the process, open yourself up to the plant medicine's wisdom, and create a foundation for profound healing and transformation.
As you embark on your Ayahuasca journey, remember that the Ayahuasca diet is an essential component of the experience. By following the guidelines, you can ensure that your body and mind are optimally prepared to receive the wisdom and healing that Ayahuasca provides. Through this process, you will be better equipped to navigate the challenges, insights, and transformations that arise during your Ayahuasca retreat and beyond.


APL Shamanic Journeys
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