It is a comprehensive question because the Amazonian region has many traditions, especially considering various parts of Amazonia - Peruvian, Brazilian, Ecuadorian, and other areas.
We work with Onanya's (master shamans) from the Loreto and Ucayali regions of Peru. These regions are centers of Peruvian shamanism. They have their traditions of working with Master Plants that we follow.
First of all, the tradition tells that the person who leads the ceremony is Onanya, who learned through prolonged dieting with sacred Master-Plants in Peruvian jungles. This process can take from months to years.
After completing dietas, a Onanya becomes a "doctor" and has the right to guide ceremonies.
Secondly, a participant must follow the rules during ceremonies. These rules are here for your safety and deep personal connection with the spirit of Medicine.
They include:
- Refraining from communicating with other participants;
- Ceremonies are held only during the nighttime without using lights or self-phones.;
- Keeping your place during the whole ceremony except visiting restrooms;
- Refraining from singing and dancing (only Onanya sing Ikaros - sacred Amazonian songs);
- Staying in the ceremonial space before the ceremony is finished;
Finally, the tradition means that a Onanya never sings ballads or popular songs that have no connection to the Sacred Amazonian ceremonies and are disrespectful to the spirit of Ayahuasca itself.
To navigate ceremonies, an Onanya uses special songs, called "Ikaros" in the mestizo tradition and "Bewa" in the Shipibo tradition. These songs are received directly from spirits during a very strict process of self-isolation in the jungle, which lasts for months or years, in conjunction with Master-Plants.
Ikaros, along with his pipe and Agua de Florida (flower water), are the Onanya's tools for guiding and protecting people.
All these rules are the result of thousands of years of experience. They are dedicated to ensuring your safety, transformation, and unforgettable experience.
Learn more by watching our shamans's interviews.